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We adjust our historical price data to remove gaps caused by stock splits, dividends and distributions. This stock price information reflects the history of the common stock that traded under the FTU ticker symbol, which was the surviving stock in the September 01, 2001 merger of First Union and the former Wachovia. NOTE: The Closing Price, Day’s High, Day’s Low, and Day’s Volume have been adjusted to account for any stock splits and/or dividends which may have occurred for this security since the date shown above. Real-time stock quotes, also known as live stock quotes or streaming stock quotes, are provided by specialized quote sites and through stock market trading systems with less than a minute delay.
Similarly stock quote presentation of different sources may also vary from single ‘last price’ value to full details including the price change of the day, the trading range of the day, 52 week (one year) range, the volume traded, the average volume of trade, market capitalization, earnings per share (EPS), dividend yield, P/E ratio, closing price, highest price of the day, and lowest price of the day.
Historical prices are adjusted by a factor that is calculated when the stock begins trading ex-dividend. It should be kept in mind that the time plays a significant role when it comes to develop the stock market strategies. Adjustments for stock splits is similar, but to calculate the factor you just have to divide the number of shares after the split by the number of shares before the split. This chart and historical price tool illustrates the historical stock performance and trading volume of the Company’s stock at various time intervals. Listing the company on the stock exchange gives the shareholders an access to an efficient, regulated market place, which is considered an optimal arena for share trading. Stock quotes can be grouped into various types as historical stock quotes, delayed stock quotes and real-time stock quotes. Delayed stock quotes are usually free stock quotes provided by various institutions, journals, portals, etc.
By looking at the volume bars you can get a good feel for the strength behind the stock price movement. The need of ask and bid prices in a stock quote is purely because the market need a market maker to buy the stock whenever one trader sells it and to sell the stock whenever on want to buy it. This is something that is hard to discern by reading stock quotes in the daily newspaper.
Historical stock quotes are stock prices and change patterns before certain period of time – useful to understand and determine periodical stock trends. The bid price is the price which market makers or specialists are ready to pay for the stock and ask price is the price at which the market maker is ready to sell the stock. Right at time of the purchase, this can be referred to as current stock prices or initial purchase price. Right after paying for the software, the website offering the product will let you download it and even provide you with a manual for installing it and updating your stock quotes.