The main work associated with an accountant is looking over a firm’s financial reports, public records and ensuring tax pay on time. The obligations of today’s financial analyst were covered by more experienced individuals as late as the 1970s, but with rapid deregulation of ownership in industries in the early 1980s and the rapid growth of the financial sector during those same years, the need arose for a structured and continuing stream of intensively trained professionals familiar with the financial industry.
There are various other routes for becoming a financial analyst e.g. doing and , Chartered Accountant, Company Secretaryship, etc. Over 70 percent of those who began in the field have either changed firms, returned to school, or changed jobs within the industry. Financial analysts study the financial statements of a company and analyze sales, costs, tax rates and other date in order to determine a company’s value by projecting its future earnings. A financial analyst certification will give your prospective employer confidence when employing you.
Successful financial analysts have moved on to vice-presidential positions in the investment banking, financial analysis, or valuation departments of the company. Indeed, the proportion of analysts aged 55 and over is much lower than the average in all occupations (9{606b15cb8282e5ec3580d0e72c193589ece6551be175750a8e347f0d91362e12} versus 18{606b15cb8282e5ec3580d0e72c193589ece6551be175750a8e347f0d91362e12}, according to data from the 2011 National Household Survey). It is vital in this age of economic turmoil that finance majors have the integrity and intelligence to help the financial sector of economy. Some consider that it would be sounder if investors had to pay for financial research separately and directly to fully independent research firms.
Senior analysts may actually make the decision to buy or sell for the company or client if they are the ones responsible for managing the assets. The Chartered Financial Analysts Course of the ICFA is recognized by the Indira Gandhi National Open University as an equivalent to a post-graduate degree. Some analysts work for the business media or other research houses, which are independent from the buy and sell side. Many people mix up this with the data entry job but their job duties go beyond just data entry.
This job is carried out by making investment decisions such as selecting dissimilar stocks or having a combination of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds in a portfolio. Financial analysis is one of the toughest jobs for the reason that the professional is always on his toes.