All Thomson Reuters websites use cookies to improve your online experience. The US government is borrowing trillions of dollars to finance its debt, while increasing money supply immensely leading to inflationary concerns, when inflation goes up, gold skyrockets. Weakness in real GDP growth during the first quarter of 2016 was due to a decline in inventory and non-residential fixed investment, declining state and local government expenditures, and a continuing deterioration in our trade balance. The 2nd Annual Capital Region Business Forum is taking place in the nation’s capital, where the governors of Maryland and Virginia will gather to talk about economic issues. Some incidents may turn a technical Forex trader into a fundamental trader because the trader knows the economic factors that will cause volatility in the price of the currency, and wants to profit from a subsequent movement. This information revolution is what’s causing the layoffs in the newspaper industry.
Once you have access to a fast news data feed at Bloomberg then you can track the news and then determine the significance of the economic news report being released for the particular currency pair you are trading, if the news are not important, do not trade the pair.
From macro data, such as national, financial, and external accounts, industrial activity and labor indicators, to micro detail, on housing, energy, automotive, other industries and key indicators for sub-national areas, Thomson Reuters provides you with a collection of global economic content, with a clear emphasis on factors that affect global financial market performance.
Do you really think that a robot can quantify all the news that happens on a daily basis. The markets are at the tail end of an eight-year bull market, and instead of major economic indicators pointing to overheated growth, we are experiencing modest growth at best… and even that is slowing.
The climate of economic stagnation spawned a mammoth informal economy that continues to sustain the bulk of Nigeria’s 148 million people. These measures, as well as the changing composition and level of compensation for labor in the regional market will determine if the Buffalo MSA is finally going to end its sustained period of economic and demographic decline. The prices that the sellers set are those that are determined by demand and supply forces. So, as global central banks sit back and watch the buttons they have pressed fail to deliver the robust economic growth they were meant to create, it’s only a matter of time before the stock market experiences one of its worst plunges in history.