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One of the factors that highly influences the prices of currencies in the Forex markets is the economic news releases. Although everything is tied to an economic cycle with its unique data points, some things that are not directly monetary in nature may have an effect on the price of currencies. While the oil boom of the ’70s brought in billions of petrodollars, most of the country’s population remained untouched by the new-found prosperity, thanks to widespread political corruption and catastrophic economic mismanagement. Unrivaled, deep and consistent global economic data coverage, delivered with critical timeliness to power your decision-making. Powered and implemented by Interactive Data Managed Solutions News provided by The Associated Press. In this digital age the need to have news almost as fast as it occurs proved that newspapers may be old by the time it reaches your front door.

From macro data, such as national, financial, and external accounts, industrial activity and labor indicators, to micro detail, on housing, energy, automotive, other industries and key indicators for sub-national areas, Thomson Reuters provides you with a collection of global economic content, with a clear emphasis on factors that affect global financial market performance.

Once you have access to a fast news data feed at Bloomberg then you can track the news and then determine the significance of the economic news report being released for the particular currency pair you are trading, if the news are not important, do not trade the pair.

Which ever group that does get elected, they hold not only Iraq, but the future of the region’s economic health will be held in their hands. Also demand for gold is projected to increase from developing countries like china, Brazil, and India leading experts to believe that the only way gold is going in up. If you think that only economic issues influence the price of currencies, you are quite uneducated in the workings of the Forex market. As more newspaper layoffs occurs those with copywriting skills should consider coming online to market for online publications or to start your own business.Economic News