Financial analysts provide guidance to businesses and individuals making investment decisions. Many in the field also become certified financial analysts, and employers often sponsor certification and licensing programs. For their influence and sizeable paychecks, financial analysts pay the price by working long hours: One in three put in between 50 and 70 hours a week.
Knowledge and updated information about current finance market definitely helps candidates boost their chances of getting selected at financial company as financial analyst. Jose Canseco, who slugged his way through the major leagues, has now developed a cult following after some of his contrarian predictions about financial markets came true. Any fresher financial analyst can earn any salary in the range of Rs 15,000- Rs40,000 per month. Financial analysts help businesses and individuals decide how to invest their money. The number of financial and investment analysts should rise sharply over the next few years.
The Financial Analysis Honors concentration puts superior, motivated students like you on the path to careers at top firms in the financial industry. He/She will gather financial data for use in implementing the participation agreement, and support operations organizations in responding to audit recommendations and implementing corrective action. While these careers are built on heavy education and commitment, there are other areas of finance that do not require stringent or specialized education before entering the job market. Depending upon the calibre and capabilities, international career for financial analysts is open. Restrictions on trading by banks may shift employment of financial analysts from investment banks to hedge funds and private equity groups. It is conducted by the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India(ICFAI).
As a member of the Internal Controls team The Advanced Accounting Analyst will participate majorly in the annual assessment of the Company’s financial controls as required by Sarbanes Oxley. Financial analysts must pay attention to details when reviewing possible investments, as small issues may have large implications for the health of an investment. At times financial analysts work in close coordination with financial planner to reach out to some conclusion related to investment choices.
The increase in the number of financial vehicles and the wide variety of financial information sources available prompts institutional investors, companies, and to a lesser extent, private investors to seek the advice of a professional financial analyst.