Investment Banking

Patria was established in 1994 as the first investment bank in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Although conditions vary at different companies, people going into corporate finance generally start their careers either as staff accountants (for the corporate reporting function) or as financial analysts (for a business group or function). Merchant banking is primarily a financial institution that works towards offering services and advice to corporate houses and wealthy individuals pertaining to finance and fiscal avenues. Experience with an investment banking firm can lead to a financial analysis position for a specific business line or to a corporate development position if you have several years of experience. Perlu pula digalakkan penerapan label khusus bagi perusahaan yang sudah menerapkan Good Corporate Governance seperti ISO khusus untuk Good Corporate Governance. Well, for building a business isn’t all about a great idea that strikes the chord but also how the corporate finance segments are being managed most competently.Corporate Finance

Now if we take merchant banking on the international level and analyse the prospects, global merchant banking operations offer individual and corporate investors with the exposure to participate on a world map to get an access to international investment opportunities and channelize co investment opportunities.

As banking firms have been performing diversified activities, investment banks have come to fill a variety of roles including underwriting and distributing new security issues, offering brokerage services to public & institutional investors, providing financial advice to corporate clients, especially on security issues, providing advices on merger and acquisition deals, providing financial security research to investors and corporate customers etc.

Given the significance of this objective for both the development and the applicability of corporate financial theory, it is important that we examine it much more carefully and address some of the very real concerns and criticisms it has garnered: It assumes that what stockholders do in their own self-interest is also in the best interests of the firm, it is sometimes dependent on the existence of efficient markets, and it is often blind to the social costs associated with value maximization.Corporate Finance

Ketiga, praktek good corporate governance adalah praktek berbisnis yang bersih dan bebas dari korupsi serta berorientasi pada transparansi dan kepentingan pemegang saham. The Finance Committee reviews all financial statements and reports on financial activity to the full board. Oleh karena itu pula, banyak ketentuan pedoman Good Corporate Governance yang diambil alih oleh Peraturan Perundang- undangan yang berlaku dan masyarakat diwajibkan untuk mematuhinya (mandatory compliance), misal dlm UU PT, dll. Finance professionals analyze revenue and expenses to ensure effective use of capital. Manfaatnya sudah banyak terbukti bahwa Good Corporate Governance menaikkan nilai tambah para pemegang saham perusahaan.Corporate Finance