Keyword below to browse our 2010+ postings as of mid-Sept; Founded: Sept 6, 2010.. We’re 100{606b15cb8282e5ec3580d0e72c193589ece6551be175750a8e347f0d91362e12} Ad free- We sell Nothing..We seek no $$.. Agenda: Educate and Inform. Production and consumption yaw back and forth, seeking equilibrium, overshooting, correcting, under-shooting, in cycles that impact everything from interest rates to opinions about the President to expectations in the stock market. One of the most famous and well known crashes was the Wall Street crash of 1929. On October 24th, 1929, stock prices dropped drastically so a lot of people started to sell their shares in an effort to cut down their losses. In this period there have again been many stock splits, particularly in the years 1997 and 1999. Many bear markets have occurred without being preceded by a stock-market crash and many stock-market crashes have occurred without the hint of a bear market. From the chart above you may see a rebound each time after SBV decline in August 2007, November 2007, January 2008 and July 2008. A reform of the financial system was essential to prevent a crash of such magnitude.
The stock market crash of 1929 is often associated with stories of investors and traders jumping out of windows after losing everything. As long as the stock market continued to increase in value, these investors did stand to make a profit. The market continued to soar during 1928 and much of 1929, with these twenty-five leading industrial stocks reaching the 452 point mark in early September 1929, almost doubling the stocks’ selling price in less than two years. The average trading volume on NYSE in 2007 was about 3.1 billion shares per day.
Unfortunately for many potential investors, these people did not have enough money to afford shares of stock. For example if I have $1000 and I wanted to buy $1500 of stock might broker would have lent me $500 on top of my original thousand dollars to reinvest into that stock. Mindless cheerleading from those in authority, who fabricated reasons for the market to increase when there were none. Yet, as soon as we start to see advancing SBV on this chart we may assume that the long- and mid-term traders start coming back which may lead the market up and which could be an indication of the rebound.
On October 29, 1929, also known as Black Tuesday, the stock markets plummeted and continued to decline unrelentingly for a month. As stocks climbed in price, many Americans believed that they could amass a tremendous fortune, even if they owned only one or two shares of stock.
This panic led to the frantic selling of shares, snowballing into the biggest market crash in all time. By the late 1970s the world’s linked market economies had built themselves up to a point of tremendous surplus. The days and months that followed had brief periods where the market rose during trading. They use tools like technical analysis based on the past price movements and trading volume to determine the probability of the market moving in one direction. Scores of people started gathering around the stock exchange to watch the change in prices to keep track of the situation.