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A financial analyst gathers and interprets data about securities, companies, corporate strategies, economies, or financial markets Financial analysts are sometimes called securities analysts , equity analysts , or investment analysts (although there is a distinction among these titles). Many in the field also become certified financial analysts, and employers often sponsor certification and licensing programs. For their influence and sizeable paychecks, financial analysts pay the price by working long hours: One in three put in between 50 and 70 hours a week.

Indian financial analysts with right exposure and sound presentation skills get employment in multinational hedge fund organisations and financial bodies including investment banks. Other positions are expected to be filled by immigrants who meet the occupational requirements. Though slightly different, financial analysts’ job is like one of financial planners.

The determination of salary of financial analyst is done on the basis of skills and knowledge the professional possess. With the use of ‘physical’ money, in the form of cash, rapidly reducing in its importance, it looks as though the analysts could be proved correct; maybe the completely cashless society is not that far off. Either you make a great career doing just that, or you platform that job into another area that better suits you.Financial Analysts

Improves financial status by analyzing results; monitoring variances; identifying trends; recommending actions to management. Investment portfolios are becoming more complex, and there are more financial products available for trade. At the five-year mark, those who remain have achieved the rank of associate” or senior financial analyst.” Responsibilities shift from producing to pitching, and client contact increases.

The problem with mortgage finance jobs is that it is a very cyclical business and it relies on constant new business and referrals for the brokers to earn money. Analysts are heavily involved with mergers and acquisitions, consulting, corporate strategy, bankruptcy , and a myriad of other financially important processes.