Trading in the Stock Market: Is There a Right Time to Start Trade Profitably?

Trading simply is buying and selling a product. Trading in the stock market means being in the stock market to buy and sell stocks by speculating loss and returns.

However, unlike your normal trading process, buying and selling of stocks is not done directly but through a licensed brokerage that acts on your behalf. This way, traders are called investors and they use indexes to monitor the performance of a bundle of stocks, which could either be a representation of the whole market or certain aspects of it. You are thus guaranteed names like the Dow Jones, the S&P 500, and/or the Nasdaq.

Now say you want to begin a business in the stocks market, and want to be among the expert investors who share their opinions on, how will you go about it?

How the Stock Investment Works

The stock market works like an auction market. The market opens to enable buyers and sellers, who are clients of financial services, to negotiate prices. Purchased events are then resold and rebought among the traders/investors. Investors trade in short term market stocks for a profit or buy them at a low price to resell. Being short-term, it is often risk-averse and generates easy profit. This way, they capitalise on the periods, with short-term denoting a period relatively short for trade. Some buy and sell short-term market events all day, trading several times before the day ends. Others simply do it periodically, placing dozens of trades per month.

Time as a Factor in Stocks Market

Trading in the stocks market is not rocket science. It has a lot to do with time and research. Investors who trade can follow the market all day, parting with hours of their time. They rely on moments decided by factors such as demand, supply, politics, and others. They use technical analysis and tools to chart stock movement just to find opportunities and trends. By looking at both the long term and short term, they are dealing with time. While trading is volatile and almost unpredictable, it can be studied. The best time to trade is the market moment or event where losses can be kept at a minimum. This requires you to plan your trade and trade your plan.

Is there a Right Time to Start Trading Profitably?

While there is no right time to make a profitable trade, there are, however, right rules that can turn any time and period to profitable moments. These 7 short rules will turn any moment to a profitable moment for you.

1.      Keep a trading plan that works for you.

2.      Make trading your business and do it right.

3.      Study the market extensively and find loopholes.

4.      Use technology to gain new trends and opportunities.

5.      Protect your capital by minimizing loss.

6.      Know when to gain, when to lose, and when to stop.

7.      Keep your trading knowledge updated with facts.


Trading is punctuated with risks, gains, and losses. You need to find a way to balance and own them. Do these by studying the market before you plunge in and by always ensuring to lose only what you can afford.